Thursday 12 June 2014



What did the stupid ghost do He used to climb over walls


What did the stupid ghost do He used to climb over walls Graphics codes and more

What can you say about Ham Burger and Chief Justice Warren BurgerHam Burger


What can you say about Ham Burger and Chief Justice Warren BurgerHam Burger Graphics codes and more

Knock KnockWhos there Brigham Brigham who Drigham back my sunshine back to


Knock KnockWhos there Brigham Brigham who Drigham back my sunshine back to Graphics codes and more

What kind of street does a ghost like bestA dead end


What kind of street does a ghost like bestA dead end Graphics codes and more

Ever since we got married my wife has tried to change me She got me to stop


Ever since we got married my wife has tried to change me She got me to stop Graphics codes and more

Why was the racehorse named Bad NewsBecause bad news travels fast


Why was the racehorse named Bad NewsBecause bad news travels fast Graphics codes and more

What bit of fish doesnt make sense The piece of cod that passeth all under


What bit of fish doesnt make sense The piece of cod that passeth all under Graphics codes and more

Q How can you tell that the guy who attacked the White house with a plane w


Q How can you tell that the guy who attacked the White house with a plane w Graphics codes and more

Why is a racehorse like a letterThey both begin a trip at the post


Why is a racehorse like a letterThey both begin a trip at the post Graphics codes and more

What do you call an and with frogs legs An antphibian


What do you call an and with frogs legs An antphibian Graphics codes and more

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